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The success stories of dual-class shares miss an incontrovertible truth

By Anita Anand

Dual-class share structures are fundamentally unfair: They leave the subordinate shareholders unprotected and cry out for a response from securities regulators. Proponents of such structures call up the success stories – Fairfax, Onex – but rarely do they focus on the incontrovertible truth that dual-class share structures undermine corporate-governance standards because the subordinate shareholders carry a lopsided share of economic risk relative to their ability to influence the corporation's affairs.

This article presents a counter view to founder centrism. Read the full article here.

Anita Anand is the J.R. Kimber Chair in Investor Protection and Corporate Governance at the University of Toronto law faculty.

Founder-Led Companies Outperform the Rest — Here’s Why

From Cara Operations Ltd to Shopify Inc: Why dual class shares are suddenly cool again